Green Iron Corridors: A New Way to Transform the Steel Business
Green Iron Corridors: A New Way to Transform the Steel Business
By rethinking the ironmaking process around the world, we can bring clean steel one step closer, say authors of the Rocky Mountain Institute (RMI). The RMI and the Green Hydrogen Catapult (GHC), a coalition of ambitious green hydrogen market leaders, have embraced the challenge of decarbonizing the steel value chain and are actively working towards this goal.
Clean steel will only be possible with a rapid shift to low-emission production technologies — such as green hydrogen-based methods. For alignment with the International Energy Agency’s (IEA) 1.5°C scenario, an estimated 35 percent of ore-based steelmaking must be produced through hydrogen methods (specifically hydrogen-based direct reduction or H2-DRI) in 2050. To decarbonize steel effectively, we need to look at all the processes that go into its production. Ironmaking — the most carbon-intensive step in the steelmaking process — is critical to this goal.