


AWCMA-Activities 2008+2009:


VOEDKM / AWCMA –Activities from Nov. 2008 – Oct. 2009

Status : 21members ( = roughly 100% of the actually relevant Austrian industries)

Oct/Nov 08 : IWCEA AGM in Vienna/Austria

Nov. 08: Participation in “Wire&Cable INDIA 2008/Mumbai” – Austrian Group
with 9 member companies.

Dec. 5/08:Official Decision -due to lack of time- to shift both the AWCMA AGM and our 20years celebration to early May 2009.

Dec.16/08 :Unexpected departure of our Vice-President, Mr. Peter EBNER
(Ebner Industrial Furnaces). Funeral on 22nd Dec. 08.

Jan. 09 + WIRE Russia 2009 Exhibition Coordination with AFEC and MD-Austria
Search for a suitable hotel in Moscow for 49 rooms, despite the Eurovision song contest situation ( same time as our exhibition).

Feb 09 : Design of our Wire Russia 09 Stands + registrations of our
participating members + ordering advertisements.

March 09 + Booking 49 rooms for the Austrian participants in Hotel Sovietsky and
arranging relevant bus transfers.
AWCMA Economic trade mission to Saudia Arabia and Oman.

April 09: Finalisation of preparations for our Wire Russia 09 participation.

Invitation for a) AWCMA AGM and b) 20 years AWCMA celebration.

7 May 09: AWCMA AGM and performing of our 20 years celebration/Vienna.

12-15 May: Wire RUSSIA 2009 with 16 Austrian member companies.

June 09: Coordination Meetings with AFEC ( future cooperation for exhibitions).
Meeting with “Intercable Association” – Villach/Austria

July. 09: Preparations for Wire South-East ASIA 2009 / Bangkok

Aug. 09 : Promotional tour in Vietnam and Bangkok ( to get visitors in Bangkok)

25/8 – IWCEA Meeting with Messe Düsseldorf in Düsseldorf.

Sept. 09 : Meeting with Mr. Kehrer/MD + Mr. Gesell in Vienna (3 – 4 Sept. 09)

Updating of the AWCMA web site
Sept. 09: Starting up all preparations and planning for WIRE 2010/Düsseldorf .
New member “ CPA-Graz” joins the AWCMA/VOEDKM.
Oct. 09 Wire SE-ASIA 2009 (13.-15.10)-Bangkok (15 AWCMA participants).
Excellent prices in hotel « Lebua at State Tower » and a free transfer hotel-exhibition-hotel, could get arranged.
Our members were satisfied with the quality of visitors there and some even could get direct orders in Bangkok.

IWCEA AGM in Barcelona.
( 28.10.-31.10.2009 )
Re-election of the IWCEA board with Dr. EDER as Vice

Regularly done AWCMA activities for its members:

Newsletters with information for our members ( abt. 2x monthly)
Coordination and negotiations with the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber.
Coordination activities with IWCEA and the other national associations.
Lobbying towards other organisations and institutions
Planning and establishing of participations in important international fairs/events etc.