


All-in-One! New compact Velocimeter Polytec LSV-1000


For reliable processes, controlled velocity & precise cut-off lengths: Polytec presents the new LSV-1000 compact velocimeter with an Ethernet interface at the TUBE 2010.
The LSV-1000 represents the new generation of Polytec Compact Velocimeters and is an attractive entry-level solution for non-contact measurement of lengths and velocity. Fast, accurate and reliable, the instrument makes length and velocity values available for control and cutoff tasks while processing roll goods and offers the user an excellent ROI. Independently of whether the measurement task involves red-hot steel, shiny aluminum, oily sheet metal, wire, cable or non-metallic materials such as wood, construction materials or textiles, the new Polytec LSV system can make measurements on virtually any surface.
While doing so, the sensor offers the user:
• Reliable functionality even in the harshest of conditions, protection class of the housing: IP 66 and IP 67
• Robust sensor technology with optional cooling and air purge unit
• Efficient and simple integration
• Stand-off distances: 300 mm, 500 mm, 700 mm, 1000 mm, 1500 mm
• 24 V mains supply
• Interfaces: LAN, serial, encoder
• Accessories: Cooling/protective housing, angled optics, and much more

For more information and a live demonstration of the instrument, come and see us at the TUBE: Hall 7, booth C16.