

I.C.M.I. S.R.L.

Icmi, leading patent. Less materials handling, lower costs, better quality and enviromental awareness.

From “L’eco di Bergamo” Newspaper (page 10) 15/10/2009

The winners are Icmi from Cisano, Tecnost from Terno and ProForm from Caravaggio. The Chamber of Commerce rewarded every firm with a cheque for € 10,000
There are three firms that won the yearly prize for the patented technological innovation of a product or a process founded by the Chamber of Commerce. The latest Chamber council announced the following winners: Icmi from Cisano, Profrom from Caravaggio and Tecnost from Terno d'Isola. A special cerimony will be held on October, 14 during which every firm will receive a cheque for € 10,000.
Icmi (Impresa Costruzione Montaggio Impianti) from Cisano was rewarded for a plant for the treatment of wires meant for wire drawing. Since its establishment in 1991 the firm with a staff composed of 30 workers has specialized in the construction, assembly and assistance of plants and furnaces for heat treatment, steel extrusion and forging.
The invention rewarded by the Chamber of Commerce consists of a plant for the wire cleaning, like steel wires, iron wires or iron material, till the process of wire drawing. The wires with a diameter from 6 to 22 mm are treated with a scaler machine and a mechanical brushing before being immersed in the phosphating tank. They are then immersed in a watery solution with zinc salts with a temperature superior to 50 degrees to fix zinc phosphate crystals on the wire itself in order to avoid seizure and help a smooth working in the following machines till the output.

2° The Chamber of Commerce rewarded the firm with a cheque for € 10,000

Icmi, leading patent
Less materials handling, lower costs, better quality and enviromental awareness.

A project that allows shorter working time and cares about enviromental preservation was defined by Icmi (Impresa costruzione montaggio impianti) located in Via delle Industrie. The Chamber of Commerce rewarded the firm for this invention with a cheque for € 10,000.

“We often see passing on our roads rolls of iron rods - Mario Baracchetti, owner of Icmi with his wife Giusy Cantù, said - but the material is not produced here. Steelworks are located in the Brescia area, here in Brivio is a firm that deals with the wire cleaning. Virtually, before reaching the final customer the rolls of iron rods must be immersed in sulphuric or hydrochloric acid for the cleaning. This process involves massive handling costs.
After a eight-year long research we devised a machine that enables the final customer to clean the wire avoiding the use of acids. Less product handling, better quality and enviromental awareness”.

The first four prototypes were installed in Italy, while the first complete machine was sold to a Spanish company. “We are arranging worldwide sellings - his wife added - and are working on an internationalization project that involves regional contribution".

Icmi was established in 1991 by Barachetti Mario who boasts 15 years experience in plant design, in particular concerning heat treatment and zinc coating. “At the moment we are working on one of the most important plant in Italy for Ilva from Novi Ligure” the owner underlined.
Icmi has a staff composed of 30 employees and of an on call team composed of 35/40 people.

Icmi works in Italy and abroad. “The crisis situation? - Barachetti noticed - we are among the lucky ones who are not suffering it. We have reliable customers and this year we have even hired new staff".

“I'm also satisfied about the safety matter which is a subject I particularly care about - Mrs Cantù added - we have not had any industrial accidents in two years". In the future of the firm there will be a significant role for Fabio their son who has been working in the firm for four years.

3° The machine engineered by Icmi from Cisano Bergamasco

Clean and enviromental-friendly wires

Icmi - Impresa Costruzione Montaggio Impianti srl from Cisano Bergamasco - was established by Mario Barachetti in 1991 while his wife Giusy Cantù is the current chairwoman. It is an evolution of a firm established in 1976 that was specialized in the construction of boilers and piping for heat treatment. With 30 years experience in plant design and carpentry Icmi is now specialized in the construction, assembly and assistance of heat treatment plants and furnaces, of aluminium extrusion and of forging furnaces. With a staff composed of 30 employees it also disposes of a specialized on call team working in particular situations.


Icmi was rewarded for a plant for wire treatment.
The invention rewarded by the Chamber of Commerce consists of a plant for the wire cleaning, like steel wires, iron wires or iron material, till the process of wire drawing. The wires with a diameter from 6 to 22 mm are treated with a scaler machine and a mechanical brushing before being immersed in the phosphating tank. They are then immersed in a watery solution with zinc salts with a temperature superior to 50 degrees to fix zinc phosphate crystals on the wire itself in order to avoid seizure and help a smooth working in the following machines till the output.


The results we had with this line are environmental-friendly (the cleaning is carried out with ecological compounds avoiding the use of hazardous acids), economical (the handling costs to move the wire rolls towards firms specialized in chemical cleaning are cut out), qualitative (the wire is evenly clean, unlike the cleaning in tanks).

“We are pleased with the prize we received because it encourages us to go on even though the crisis situation has paralysed the market. We are arranging a network for the internationalization of the line”.