

Conductix Wampfler Delachaux Group

Conductix-Wampfler Wins Supplier Award

Conductix-Wampfler USA was awarded this year with the P&H Mining Supplier Excellence Trophy. "The award recognizes superior suppliers and encourages improved delivery andservice to customers." Of all active suppliers, only six have received this award.

Electric shovels are more mechanically efficient than diesel-hydraulics and produce 60% less greenhouse gases. As you can imagine, the slip ring assembly must withstand harsh mining environments, severe vibration, and high G forces.

The P&H shovel slip ring measures 1x1x2.4 meters and weighs 726 kg. Power rings are 480A/15 kV and 2000A/600V with a set of rings to pass controls and signals. The USA group builds an average of 15 units a year.

Earlier this year, P&H Mining awarded Conductix-Wampfler USA with their P&H Supplier Excellence Trophy. “The award recognizes superior P&H suppliers and encourages improved delivery and service to its customers. Of the 520 active P&H suppliers, only six have received this award”, explains Jeff Judisch, Director of Quality Systems. The USA team won the award by achieving 100% on time deliveries and 100% “zero defects” quality for the prior 11 months. Lon Miller, President of CXW USA, was recognized for the achievement at this year’s P&H Supplier Summit.

Earning the award was truly an organization-wide effort. The achievement puts CXW in position to take advantage of other opportunities in the mining machinery market. So “hats off” to the Conductix-Wampfler USA group for a job well done!